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Activities of "sparkyjr"


I am new to ASP.Net Zero and ABP.

I have created a custom filter to ignore the rows having IsArchived property set to 1, i.e. true. Everything works fine. It filters out the rows with this column == 1. Now, I want to fetch the rows where IsArchived == 1. I mean, I want to fetch the archived rows now. I tried disabling the custom filter in my controller action, as follows:

public class ArchivedController : Controller
        private ArchivedAppService archivedAppService;
        IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager;

        public ArchivedController(IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager, ArchivedAppService _archivedAppService)
            archivedAppService = _archivedAppService;
            unitOfWorkManager = _unitOfWorkManager;

        public ActionResult Index(int id)
            unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter("ArchiveFilter");  //Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
            var output = archivedAppService.GetArchived(id);
            ArchivedViewModel model = new ArchivedInitiativesViewModel(output);

            return View(model);

The Current property of unitOfWorkManager is null. So, it throws error.

Please tell me what could be the reason. How and where do I set the unit of work?

Thank you in advance!

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