Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "stevenmunoz"

hi !

how can i send user and password as parameters in my web.config connection string, using abp ? i’ve done with creating sql connection before open, but here it’s a little bit different.

Thanks for your help


Hi !

I have created some migrations in Oracle database succesfully, using Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP) 64 bits, but when i tried to query some object, i'm getting an "ORA-00972 identifier is too long" :shock: , after some research over internet and forums, it is caused because Oracle has a limitation of 30 characters in object names. Right now i just have one custom table called "noticias" as seen below on picture

So one possible solution it's make my table names shorter, to avoid, indexes, foreign keys, secuences or any object, have more than 30 characters.

It's possible to change default boilerplate table names names by shorter ones, and how ? really i can't find other solution, since i just have a single and short custom table name, my last change its test if default tables with shorter names could work.

Or do you know other possible solution to this problem ?

Thanks a lot


Hi !

Please some help, how can I send images from my front to the server using boilerplate ? I would really appreciate some details.

Thanks a lot

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