Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "strategy9"

Cool, thanks.

Aaron, thanks for your comment. Can you elaborate on "You can check Context before calling SetCookie" ?

ie: what context am a I checking for? does AbpAntiForgeryManager.SetCookie(Context) allow me to suppress the XSRF-Token in the cookie?

Got it. Forgot to make it an embedded resource.

Thanks for the reply. For some reason our project came without es-MX (which is the Spanish version we need). I copied the xml text from your link and saved it as "myproject-es-MX.xml", saved it in the language directory (where the rest of the xml files are), and then created a "Spanish (Mexico)" language within the admin interface.

When I choose Spanish-Mexico now, it all stays in English... what have I missed?


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