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Activities of "strix20"


I am in the process of upgrading to 5.0.4, and it looks like the wwwroot/lib files are not included in the project, so the server does not provide them in debug mode? This causes issues when debugging.

What am I doing wrong?

I've read through as much of the ABP and Zero documentation regarding roles, permissions, and authorizations as I could find, but I'm still having trouble understanding how to go about configuring static roles.

The standard static roles are Admin (which has all permissions), and User (which has no permissions.)

For our application, we will have several static roles, in addition to the dynamic roles. These static roles will have permissions associated with them by default.

I know how to add permissions to a user, but how are we supposed to associate permissions with static roles so that when that role is assigned to a user, they are granted the appropriate permissions?

I'm in the process of upgrading my project to v4.5 to migrate to core 2.0. It seems the 4.5 project has startup has not been modified to adhere to the new .net core 2.0 configuration setup. All configuration should be moved to program.cs, and startup should inject a dependency of IConfiguration.

(see []))

I have made these changes myself, and I noticed that there are several places where ABP / Zero erroneously uses IConfigurationRoot instead of the proper IConfiguration. I have changed those as well in my project, and the MVC project works fine.

However, the Migration project fails to run, because it cannot resolve the IConfiguration dependency properly. I have tried to work out how to register this dependency manually, but it appears that the IOCManager provided by ABP, which wraps Castle Windsor, does not provide a way to register a singleton.

How can this be done?

I am currently using the ASP.NET Core & jQuery version of asp.netzero and having trouble figuring out what the proper teamcity build steps should be to create a nuget package that I will then use to deploy using octopus. With my current configuration I install a nuget feed that the solution requires, do a dotnet restore, build the solution using visual studio, run tests, and then run a nuget pack. When I run the nuget pack my build fails because: "Unable to find 'C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\c04235ef53f2bb5a\src\Strix.Customs.Web.Mvc\bin\Release\net462\Strix.Customs.Web.Mvc.exe'. Make sure the project has been built."

Does anyone know what my build steps should look like here?


Now that Core 2.0 is out, can we expect a release that updates the system to a version of .net core that actually works?

What are the plans for the 2.0 upgrade path?

Does the development team have an internal build targeting 2.0 Preview?

What kind of breaking changes are we looking at?

We must use Azure Key Vault to store all secrets, including our connection strings.

I changed the CustomsEntityFrameworkCoreModule PreInitialize method to look like such:

public override void PreInitialize()
            var connectionString = _appConfig["db-dev"];
            Configuration.DefaultNameOrConnectionString = connectionString;

            if (!SkipDbContextRegistration)
                Configuration.Modules.AbpEfCore().AddDbContext<CustomsDbContext>(configuration =>
                    CustomsDbContextConfigurer.Configure(configuration.DbContextOptions, connectionString);

This works locally, but breaks in a hosted environment.

How can I replace the DefaultConnectionStringResolver?

Showing 11 to 17 of 17 entries