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Activities of "sumitshah"

We are able to resolve this problem after clearing all ABPSettings and placing them back using tenantSettings.

Thanks for your help!

Hello, I tried deleting all smptp props, we are still unable to open Settings on UI. Could you please suggest if there is any way to avoid encryption while reading password from abpSetting?

Hello ismcagdas,

When we are trying to open setting that you have suggested above, we are getting following exception.

ERROR 2022-03-23 01:45:36,967 [241 ] Mvc.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionFilter - The input data is not a complete block.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The input data is not a complete block.
at Internal.Cryptography.UniversalCryptoDecryptor.UncheckedTransformFinalBlock(Byte[] inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)
at Internal.Cryptography.UniversalCryptoTransform.TransformFinalBlock(Byte[] inputBuffer, Int32 inputOffset, Int32 inputCount)
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock()
at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at Abp.Runtime.Security.SimpleStringCipher.Decrypt(String cipherText, String passPhrase, Byte[] salt)
at Infogroup.IDMS.Configuration.Tenants.TenantSettingsAppService.GetEmailSettingsAsync() in C:\_work\1\s\src\Infogroup.IDMS.Application\Configuration\Tenants\TenantSettingsAppService.cs:line 102
at Infogroup.IDMS.Configuration.Tenants.TenantSettingsAppService.GetAllSettings() in C:\_work\1\s\src\Infogroup.IDMS.Application\Configuration\Tenants\TenantSettingsAppService.cs:line 47
at lambda_method(Closure , Object )
at Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectMethodExecutorAwaitable.Awaiter.GetResult()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionMethodExecutor.AwaitableObjectResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, Object controller, Object[] arguments)
at System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask`1.get_Result()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeNextExceptionFilterAsync()

Hi ismcagdas,

We have set following properties under AbpSettings table.

Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.Host Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.UserName Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.Password Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.EnableSsl Abp.Net.Mail.Smtp.Port

Not sure what setting page you are refering to.


Hi @ismcagdas,

I run this cmd "yarn upgrade-interactive [--latest]" to upgrade all outdated packages. But it is not showing me any packaegs need to be upgrade. Please let me know if anything i can do to resolve this error.

Hi @ismcagdas,

I am not able to understand which Packages are outdated. Could you please help me in this?

Hi @ismcagdas,

Is it possible to have quick call with you so that we can explain you issue in more details. Please let us know, by when we can connect with your timezone.


Hi @ismcagdas,

Please let me know if we can try something related to this issue.Because i need to add that jquery files in our project. Thanks

Hi @musa.demir As i can see there is only one tenant data so could you please describe more how can i use other tenant?

Hi @ismcagdas We are generating query as commandText having "@p0" , "@p1" placeholder, commandType as Text, and passing SqlParameter as params Array. Yes, it is handled in DatabaseHelper.cs file. Please refer below code.

public DbCommand CreateCommand(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params SqlParameter[] parameters) { var command = GetContext().Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand();

        command.CommandText = commandText;
        command.CommandType = commandType;
        command.Transaction = GetActiveTransaction();
        foreach (var parameter in parameters)
            command.Parameters.Add(parameter); // from this line it is givinng us exception "The SqlParameterCollection                                                                                     //only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not SqlParameter                                                                                     //objects"

        return command;
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