Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sunflowerlab"


HI, MVC 5.x version with jquery. In user's Index.js we find this code. Where Is is defined ? Where do I find the code for the same?

_userAppService =


We are using MVC 5.x version with jquery.

We see that its using the old metronic theme. We are are fine with old theme but the jquery jTable is complex to use compare to DataTable. Do you have any smaple which shows how to use DataTable in metronic 4.1 theme project?



Just wanted to make sure that as long as I use the same name. I can download the same name project with different technology combination, right? That deosn't count toward the project count., Right?



We are using the ASP.Net MVC and JQuery version of ASP.NET Zero. It uses the old theme. Can we please have source of Metronix 4.x ?



Hi, I was reading somewhere that we are not suppose to use the demo for production. May I know what is reason. AS per your guideline demo project are similar to the actual projects.


I downlaoded the ASP.NET MVC & Jquery demo Project.

Is there any difference between Demo and Real project? I downloaded the demo project and ran the Migrator tool. It created the database but didn't load the default data. All tables are blank. I deleted the database and project. Extracted the project again and executed the command "Update-Database" from NuGet package console for EntityFramework. I am getting the following error. **I creates the database but deosn't add any initial data. **

Unable to update database to match the current model because there are pending changes and automatic migration is disabled. Either write the pending model changes to a code-based migration or enable automatic migration. Set DbMigrationsConfiguration.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled to true to enable automatic migration. You can use the Add-Migration command to write the pending model changes to a code-based migration.

Also gets following warning.

_Applying explicit migration: 201505162037045RenamedBinaryObjectTable. Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures. Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures. Applying explicit migration: 201506061210411AddedAuthenticationSourceToUser.

_Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IXNotificationNameEntityTypeNameEntityIdUserId' has maximum length of 1032 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.

Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures

I haven't changed anything in the code except the connection string on a web project.

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