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Activities of "suruat"

Thanks for the Tip @ismcagdas, I added some AppInsight Logging. So hopefully this will shed some light for me.

Hello Guys

I am following this post to integrate signal R, with Xamarin: I have the back end working properly now and was able to connect using a console app. However when I try to connect using Xamarin, I get the following error:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100003f from typeref (expected class 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.Internal.NullScope' in assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60') at Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger 1[T].Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger.BeginScope[TState] (TState state) [0x00000] in <05c3899430e944c987384a03cf948677>:0 at Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.HubConnection.StartAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00017] in <f381011e9b214489bcb373743f31ed9d>:0 at MyApp.Services.Chat.ChatService.ConnectAsync () [0x0007e]

Does anyone have an idea around this?

Does anyone have any idea?


I am developing a Xamarin Application using Abp Zero for my backend. For some reason, my permission keeps getting reset for my users. For example: If i asign the admin role to a user, that user gets all the the permissions, this is reflected in the web UI and mobile app. Than lets say after a while I reopen the mobile app, than i get an error message saying the the permissions are missing and when I look at the user managerment that user still has the Admin Role, but all permissions are unchecked.

Does anyone have any idea what's happening?

I have the same issue, In the event the /AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll call fails I would like to navigate the user to a custom static error page, instead of showing the popup. I can't seem to find a way to do this, since it seems that the abp.ajax call handles the failure everythime.

Whats the best way to send the user to a static page when GetALL call fails?


I'm not sure which version of ABP I have since I cannot access the download page anymore, however it's about 2 years old. I have not tried to run the xamarin app before untill today.

When I tried to run/build the andriod app, I got alot of errors. I Think I have resolved all but one:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Can not resolve reference: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions, referenced by MyApp.Application.Shared. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions, or remove the reference to MyApp.Application.Shared. MyApp.Mobile.Droid

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

We are building a muti-tenant system using the Core/ Angular2+ solution. However we don't want users to be responsible for passing the Tenancy name in (via subdomain, or via a form). We want to get the tenant based on the user that is logging in (we are using the single db approach).

I am assuming we need to enforce that every user that is created, including tenant admin users must have unique usernames. Correct?

What is the best way to implement this? What do we need to change in the angular side and the Api side?

I am not sure I totally understand what you mean by "The user or role is associated with the city."

Do you have any simple examples of this?

AspnetZero has support for permissions for users and role. This is useful to hide functionality from certain users or group of users (roles)).

My question is how can I use this to also hide or show data.

For example: If I have a Cities database, and I want to be able to say this user can only view these cities, or this role can only view these cities, so that when I query the DB it filters based on the roles and/or user. Is there an easy way to implement this in AspnetZero or to hook into the current perrmission system but use it for data filtering?


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