Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "[email protected]"

Hey Team,

The project template I'm working with is as follows:

  • ANZ 12.0.0
  • Template - MVC Core & jQuery
  • Database - MSSQL
  • ORM - EF Core

Per the attached image I'm trying to add an option to the "Actions" dropdown. This action should take the user to "/Mwx/Controller/Action" where it will pass an "id" parameter. I've tried to add an item to the Index.js file in the datatables section under "rowActions", however, that does not work. I've even tried to remove the "rowActions" itself and the action items still show up. I'm not the best at all with JS or jQuery so I'm quickly learning. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Hi @sharadkpatil

I seem to be having a similar issue. I created an entity using Power Tools with a “file” property. Everything appears to work ok until the actual save of the file. The file doesn’t actually save anywhere.

I’m very new to the JS world, so I may be overlooking something. What I am expecting is that when selecting “file” as the data type, once saving the file it would save the file to the database.

Version:12.0.0 Project: MVC Core & jQuery ORM: EF Core DB: MSSQL

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