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Activities of "taxpacc"

Teamview details sent to info email address. Looking forward to connecting.

I should clarify, we litterally made no changes to the project after download, just ran the migrations to create a db. And our host project is running on 22742. I do see messages in the output window from "ASP.NET Core Web Server", which shows...

ITS.TaxDemo.Web.Host> Hosting environment: Development
ITS.TaxDemo.Web.Host> Content root path: D:\Source\TaxDemoSingle\TaxDemo\src\ITS.TaxDemo.Web.Host
ITS.TaxDemo.Web.Host> Now listening on:
ITS.TaxDemo.Web.Host> Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

However if you try to go to that port, you get a 400 error.

I have the exact same issue. While I appreciate the complexity of this project, it's a little disappointing to download it immediately after paying for it, and find it won't even start.

I'm just glad we found this with a demo project, and not with out one live project.

Please sort this out asap.

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