Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tcon"



After installing ASP.NET APP Zero I was able to pull in all of the tables created in the TCReportingServiceDb database. I pulled in all the tables into a new Database Diagram and noticed about one third of the tables had no referential integrity. Is there a complete diagram available?

Thanks, Will



Attached is a diagram of the current set of tables in the TCReportingServiceDb database. Are there plans to complete the references from primary keys to the foreign keys?

Thanks, Will

We are planning to develop multiple public websites / web applications but use only one web.mvc website for administration and only one database using the Single Deployment - Single Database multi-tenancy architecture. Due to this, is there a way to generate a new web.public project? Will having multiple web projects cause any issues? For example, do we need to create new Application or Web.Core class library for every new web project?

Any information on how to structure a solution to support multiple public websites will be great.

Is there a recommended approach to changing the project namespaces that are auto-generated when downloading the code from AspNet Zero? For example, we would want to change Web.Hostto Host.Web and Web.Core to Core.Web but at the same time do not want to break dependencies or make it harder to upgrade when new versions are released.


For example, can you confirm the relationship between dbo.AbpOrganizationUnits, dbo.AbpUserOrganizationUnits and dbo.AbpUsers? Per the data model diagram, there are no defined relationships between these tables but looking at the table fields, we are assuming there is a PK / FK relationship based on AbpOrganizationUnits.Id to AbpUserOrganizationUnits.OrganizationUnitId and then AbpUserOrganizationUnits.UserId to AbpUsers.Id.


We've populated the AbpOrganizationUnits table with 100's of organization units. Is there a way to surround the tree-view in scrollable div? The treeview seems to ignore parent controls.

Thanks, Will

After reviewing the Extending Existing Entities documentation, I am wondering if another approach would be to create brand new SQL tables with our new columns rather than taking the approach of altering existing SQL tables. For example, rather than adding Address columns in AbpUsers, could we create a new SQL table called AbpUsersExtention and have that only contain the new Address columns?

Does the AspNetZero team see any issues with this approach? Will this approach create more work for us in the middle and front tier projects? I propose it because we want to make sure upgrading to new versions of Abp is less complicated.

Hi, is there a way to determine if a tenant user is logged in? Also, how does AspNet Zero handles tenant users that are logged in but then close their web browser?

I am also receiving a 500 error when attempting to download v.5.0.2:

Yes, this is also happening when you attempt to create a demo from the <a class="postlink" href=""></a> homepage:

Could not made request to <a class="postlink" href=""> ... eateTenant</a>! StatusCode: InternalServerError, ReasonPhrase: Internal Server Error

Showing 1 to 10 of 18 entries