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Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks for responding. I kept digging and I actually figured it out. It was my fault.

I had adapted the Abp dbcontext conventions such that all changes within a UOW that are saved at the same time, will share the same timestamp. That's been working great for us, up until now, when I've started using the BackgroundJob infrastructure.

It appears to have effectively set the "CreationDate" and "TimeOfNextExecution" (I think thats the field name) to the exact same value. For some reason this makes the background worker process chase a date/time that never arrives (well, almost never - very unreliable). I have altered my UOW modification such that I only turn it on for UOW scopes that I need it, rather than across the board.

Thanks please consider closed.

I'm having the same issue with the background job, and the CreationTime and NextTryTime are the same in my case too. I haven't altered anything in the db context as you mentioned, though. What could be the issue @ismcagdas

I'm having this same problem

Okay, but the tenant admin doesn't have certain privileges that the host admin does.

I always get 2 admin users, one with Tenant ID == null, one with Tenant ID == 1. The Angular UI code suggests TenantID > 0 is what makes something multi-tenant. I can only login with the multi-tenant version of 'admin' (email address = [email protected], and TenantID == 1), but not host admin.

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