Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "thiago floriano"

The cookie is initially set to "en".

When I click the other language nothing happens and the cookie does not change. If I manually change the cookie and refresh the page, it changes the language.

<a class="postlink" href=""></a> if you wanna check the issue.

Thank you!

Localization combo containing available languages is shown, but when I select a different language I'm sent to the home page but in the same previous language.

No error is logged.

Does somebody know how can I investigate this issue or have a tip?


After trying to solve it for 2 days, I had an insight and it saved me.

Internet Explorer was caching de GetScripts request.

Setting cache to FALSE solved the problem.

$.ajax({ url: '/AbpScripts/GetScripts', cache: false, });



I'm having a strange problem.

In my application, I made login via ajax and, after successful login, I request a fresh copy of scripts (GetScripts) to check the permissions.

Chrome does it well, as alaways.

But in IE i only get updated permissions after refreshing the page.

Why does this happen?

Is it possible to minify the content returned by AbpScripts/GetScripts and the /api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll (get proxies)?

Once more, worked like a charm!!




Is it possible to break line in a cshtml file using localization? -> @L()

I'm using resource files.

Tried <br> in resource files, break line using shift + enter in the resource file. None worked.


I would like this improvement available too.

Is there a possible workaround? Or a way that I could implement it myself?

I had no ideia I would have to rebuild the application to change texts in the xml and relied in this.

The reason is that the user's gonna change the xml and it doesn't have access to rebuild application.

Thanks again for the amazing work!

PS: I know it's free and you have already give such amount of time for it, I'm not requesting. I'm just saying =)


I have a class named User that inherits form AbpUser but I don't want to set CreatorUserId.

Since AbpUser inherits FullAuditEntity which implements ICreationAudited, it generates the CreatorUserId automatically. But the User class is used to register new users, for example when a user sign-up.

So, i get this error: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK_dbo.AbpUsers_dbo.AbpUsers_CreatorUserId". The conflict occurred in database "OMC", table "dbo.AbpUsers", column 'Id'. The statement has been terminated.

How can i set CreaterUserId to null?

Thank you.

I've figured that out:

ProfileAppService was returning an Entity so I found this: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... references</a>

Then I created a DtoOutput (IOutputDto) and get the service to map from entity to dto.

OBS: since the IRepository method Get() return proxy entities, we have to use Mapper.DynamicMap(). Otherwise it throws an exception saying that there is no Mapping Configuration.


Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries