Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tiandao"

My application have two database . the one is sql and another one is oracle so .I add the second dbcontext ,in my application ,I want to use procedure or sqlcommand.I saw issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/574</a> <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/583</a> follow this : 1.I generate code from website ,and use module zero template . so ,the first main dbcontext is "webapidbcontext ". 2. install Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) Managed Driver, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:Install-Package config connectstring like this

<add name="Default" connectionString="Server=localhost; Database=WebApi; Trusted_Connection=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  <add name="His" providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=QXYY;Password=qxyy;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = TianDao-Pc)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = QXHIS) ))" />
  1. Then added second dbcontext :
public class HisDbContext: AbpDbContext

       //patient entity
        public virtual DbSet<PATIENT> PATIENT { get; set; }
        public HisDbContext()
            : base("His")

        public HisDbContext(string nameOrConnectionString)
            : base(nameOrConnectionString)


        public HisDbContext(DbConnection connection)
            : base(connection, true)


        protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

4.add patient entity : public class PATIENT:Entity<int> { public long PID { get; set; } public string NAME { get; set; } } 5.modify module:

public override void Initialize()

6.migration and updatebase: Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory "MigrationsHis" -ContextTypeName "HisDbContext" Add-Migration -configuration TianDao.WebApi.MigrationsHis.Configuration inital Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName "TianDao.WebApi.MigrationsHis.Configuration" 7.add service interface : public interface IHisAppService : IApplicationService { [HttpGet] List<PatientDto> AllPatientinfo(); } 8.implement service interface: public class HisAppService : ApplicationService, IHisAppService { private readonly IRepository<PATIENT> _patientRepository; public HisAppService(IRepository<PATIENT> patientRepository) { _patientRepository = patientRepository; }

    public List&lt;PatientDto&gt; AllPatientinfo()
            var p = _patientRepository.GetAllList();
            var p2 = p.MapTo&lt;List&lt;PatientDto&gt;>();
            return p2;

9.finaly,after login ,I access this URL:http://localhost:6234/api/services/webapi/his/AllPatientinfo from browser. but throw Exception.I saw log ,find this :System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: object name 'QXYY.PATIENT' is invalid .I find this is a uow exception ,in HisAppService allpatientinfo method current dbcontext is webapicontext ,not hisdbcontext . why? i think this error should not Happen.

can you give me solution? thank you . i want use procedure(hisdbcontext) in my application ,can you give me solution? thank you .thank you.thank you

Hi hikalkan ; I have a problem in abp zero,for example; I reference script in ui page,like this picture: [attachment=2:2jhwy86w]1.png[/attachment:2jhwy86w] Next, JS proxy debug results like this: [attachment=1:2jhwy86w]2.png[/attachment:2jhwy86w] But, when i Debugger in ui page, allPermissions result is null. Why?can you help me .thank you .[attachment=0:2jhwy86w]3.png[/attachment:2jhwy86w]

thank you

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