Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "timmackey"

Platform 26 is not available. Android SDK Platform 27 is the only choice presented in the installer. How do I fix this?

I created a merged client and server solution. Got the swagger page up. Under RESTORE PACKAGES it says "Locate to the Angular folder...". There is no "Angular" folder in the merged non-demo solution. Where do I go from here?

I wish there was an easy way to get to the ASP.NET Zero Support forum (like clicking the Home button for example) without having to logout, click on Post a New Topic, select a forum, login, and then Post a New Topic every time. How to I get to the ASP.NET Zero Support forum once I am logged in?

Got it. Thank you.

Found the "eye" icon to subscribe to a forum. Subscribed and issue solved.

I created a "projectname.All" solution. After much trial and error I got past the package number issue, but still get build errors. The current error is "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. Consider increasing the value of $(JavaMaximumHeapSize)." The ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\common.targets\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets file contains the setting "JavaMaximumHeapSize="$(JavaMaximumHeapSize)"". How/where is the actual value set? Or is this a bogus error message because of some other setting?

OK. I ran yarn in the *.Web.Host project folder. Thank you. Now having problems logging in. I will create a new post for the issue.

Ran 'Delete BIN OBJ Files.bat' and set Heap size to 1G. Build succeeded with no errors. Thank you.

The solution compiles with no error. However, cannot login. When attempting to change tenant, clicking the 'Save' button causes both buttons to flicker, and dialog does not close.

If only I could. I don't have an App_Data folder much less a Logs.txt file. I've been wondering why there is no App_Data folder and no Logs. Any ideas about that?

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