Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tkueny"


Hey guys,

Have to say, love the platform! I have been building enterprise applications half my life, especially frameworks, and this one has been very helpful. Will be using it in the future for every product I build! =)

So, I have a question. Currently I am building a product where we need to be able to have features at a level other than just tenant. In fact we have 3 main hierarchical layers (may even have a fourth). Is it possible with the current version of module Abp + Zero to accommodate this need with custom code? To be more specific we want to be able to have features turn on/off for other entities in the system that are under a specific tentant (not just tenants). This is definitely not at the user level as each of these levels may have many users underneath.

Any guidance is really appreciated!

Thanks in advance...

I know this is a bit late, however I hit the same issue in my project. It turned out to be an issue with the bower packages. Somehow my project automatically updated my Abp & Abp.Zero nuget-packages to 11.3, but the abp-web-resources were still on 11.2, and I was stuck on this for like 2 days. I ran a restore bower packages command and it was upgraded to 11.3, and then everything worked magically.

I wanted to follow up on this, I actually may need to take back my last reply.

As it turns out I am still having the issue. Though I was able to narrow down to where I think the issue is coming from. It seems that when trying to login, after calling the HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync/SignOutAsync from the login page, an error is showing up in the logs, and prevents the login from succeeding. The error is -

An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Http.FrameHeaders.ThrowDuplicateKeyException() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Http.FrameResponseHeaders.AddValueFast(String key, StringValues value) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Http.FrameHeaders.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues>.Add(String key, StringValues value) at Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Results.AbpResultFilter.SetNoCache(ResultExecutingContext context) at Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.Results.AbpResultFilter.OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.<InvokeResultFilterAsync>d__31.MoveNext()

I have been looking at this all day, and yesterday and am not really able to find a resolution. What I have found so far though is it seems to be related to the Abp javascript bower package (0.11.3) and/or the latest 0.12.0 version of Abp. I recently upgraded to 0.12.0, now that I think about it, I think that is when the issue started happening. I even went as far to revert my whole project back to Abp 0.11.3 and the issue went away. Is there a bower package for Abp 0.12.0? Is it needed for server version 0.12.0? Also, can anyone else reproduce this? Any help will be much appreciated as I am currently unable to login to my application. FYI - I only noticed the issue after I logged which is why I was not able to notice it happening right away. Also, I am using the standard boilerplate code for SignIn/SignOut from aspnet zero.



So I did manage to just figure out a work around for the issue I am having, though I would hopefully like to resolve the actual issue. I ended setting Configuration.Modules.AbpAspNetCore().SetNoCacheForAjaxResponses in the web module to false. This allows me to login successfully. I figured to try this as it seems with the latest verson 0.12.0, this was changed. It was basically just luck. Though I am not sure why as the source code does not seem to adding to the response headers, only setting them. Either way, any ideas would be very helpful as caching will be bad once we goto release our product. Do you think this may be related to the javascript version of Abp (0.11.3) -> 0.12.0?

BTW, I don't think this is related to the first post in this thread, though not sure 100%. Should we create a new one?


Yes, I just tried to upgrade and seems to work from initial testing. Thank you very much!

When will the bower package for 0.12* version be released?


Ok, got it. Makes sense. Thanks again for your help.

How did you end up implementing this? I am in a similar situation. I am trying to have a data filter on some of my entities, but am running into an issue where I want the filter auto applied based off the url, and not sure how to use the filters with the auto generated app service apis.


Sorry for late response, and I will try to clear up my question.

Basically I need to change the settings + features to work with an additional layer to TenantId. In our application we have an Entity called "Site" which you can add in our system. You can have multiple Sites for each Tenant. We want to be able to have settings & features changeable for each Site. Basically we need to have a SiteId property on the setting, and feature entities so each Site can be configurable.

Additionally, it would be great if we could also do this on localized string resources as well if possible. Meaning each Site could have localized strings overridden if specified.

Does this make sense?

Thanks for your reply.

I think I understand what you are saying. I was hoping not to do that. If thats the only way to do it at the moment, it would be ideal if I could make the minimum changes needed, and add overridable classes and methods in Abp.Zero, and then in my code override where needed. By doing this though, it will make upgrading to the latest Abp.Zero very difficult. However, I have been looking at the source and doesn't seem to difficult, but not 100% sure. I will see what I can do, and let you know what I come up with. I appreciate your help!

Is this something that could possibly be added into the Abp.Zero in the future? Some way to support additional layers would be great! =)


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