Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tonyclark69"

  • What is your product version? API: v9.3.0 | Client: v9.3.0

  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular

  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net Core

  • Which theme are you using? Theme 10

  • What are the theme settings? Layout: fluid / Header bar - Mobile: fixed / Menu: no search bar

After clicking on the top Administration menu, the menu drops down/expands. If I then click on another root menu item while the Administration menu is still expanded, the menu does not collapse. I have tried all other Themes and settings, but this issue persists.

I've tried twice to pay for my license extension using Iyzico - it failed both times. I don't want to use the 2Checkout method. Can you please help?

  • product version: 7.2
  • product type: Angular
  • framework type: .net core

I received an email which says that my liecense will expire in a few days, but the EUL states that "ASP.NET Zero License is life time. That means, once you buy it, you can use the license forever within the restrictions described in this document."

So, do you really mean that my 1-year support subscription is going to exire in a few days?

Using v8.2.0.0 Core MVC / JQuery - the RAD tool adds AppPermissions inside quotations... see line 75

I solved this... bs-datepicker.css does not contain a /* THEME-4 */ section.

yes. metronic 6.x. Using visual settings i have selected Theme Number 4.

Running on a single instance. One interesting setup we have is that we're setup for Mutli-Tenant, but a lot of data entities do not inherit IMustHaveTenant or IMayHaveTenant, because these reference data entities need to be used across all tenants (Types, Statuses, etc).

Version: Build: Core / Angular Multi Tenant: Yes

After creating Static Role in TenantRoleAndUserBuilder, first addition of permissions for the role resulted in multiple duplicate DB entries. It appears that for each Create, Edit and Delete function, the code cannot recognise that it has already generated a permission for the parent permission.

Subsequent removal of a permission seems to clean up this issue by removing all the duplicate rows for the specified permission and then adding new rows with IsGranted set to False.

So, this doesn't appear to represent a problem, but might lead to a problem if you assume that there is only a single database entry for each page/function.

We're using v7.2.0.0 -

Using Metronic Theme 4 with Angular/Core - Calendar Selector not showing buttons until you hover the mouse over them...

Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries