Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "trenxo"


Hi guys,

I want to show a progress spinner while fetching the desired data for a modal. Just like the metronic demo for editing a customer.

Adding 'm-portlet--body-progress' class to the portlet does not seem to work.

Do I miss something?

P.S. I am using Angular Material - MatDialog

ASP.NET Zero project: Angular + Core v6.0.0

Hi guys,

Can you please reply a simple guide on how to publish the ASP.NET Core + Angular template to Azure with multitenancy enabled using a single domain (ex.

Thanks in advance.

Hi guys,

I deployed ASP.NET Core + Angular to 2 Azure web app services.

They seem to work ok but I always get to the host dashboard because the Abp.TenantId cookie is never set. I think it should be set from the subdomain in AppPreBootstrap class.

Any ideas?

My configs:

Angular appconfig.json:

"remoteServiceBaseUrl": "",
"appBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}"

Web.Host appsettings.Production.json:

"ServerRootAddress": "",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}"

Hi guys,

I set up the projects with the following custom domains: Web.Public - Web.Host - AngularUI - *

The problem is when I configure the AngularUI`s appconfig.json as following:

"remoteServiceBaseUrl": ""
"appBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}"

All assets (for example the logo image in the login page) are not found as the app is looking at the public`s website assets.

Any ideas how to configure the apps to use the specified domains?

Thanks in advance.

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