Base solution for your next web application

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Sorry for the late reply. We detected the error. In the next release, it will be fixed.

What are the work arounds in the mean time?

Any updates?

ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery: v13.3.0 .NET 8 Power Tools Version: 4.3.3

After clicking the Export To Excel button an exception is thrown on a Generated Entity using the Power Tool.

Exception:System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Method: public FileDto ExportToFile(List<GetMyEntityForViewDto> myentities, List<string> selectedColumns) Line:foreach (var selectedColumn in selectedColumns) Issue: selectedColumns is NULL in the foreach statement Entity Base Class: FullAuditedEntity

Using Asp.Net Core MVC v13.2.0 and the latest Asp.Net Power Tools I am receiving the following compilation error in the <MyApp>.Application project:

'There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'localizationManager' of 'MiniExcelExcelImporterBase<ImportMyObjectDto>.MiniExcelExcelImporterBase(ILocalizationManager)

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