Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tteoh"

Hi @maliming, thanks for the suggestion. For now, the fastest option is to log on to each App Server and login to AspNetZero as localhost (bypass load balancer) and clear the cache manually. ;o)

@aaron, your reference to

on ABP catches DbUpdateConcurrencyException and throws AbpDbConcurrencyException for EF Core and this is NOT implementated for the Standard EF right?

Yes. That's correct.

Hi maliming,

The problem is solved.

This is happening is because my colleague did some changes to the 400 status code error and he just remembered that he did changes to it.

Sorry and thank you helping me.

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi maliming,

With latest version or the same version as mine now?

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi maliming,

It's not hitting the breakpoint.

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi maliming,

Where to set the breakpoint? DTO or the js file?

When I add in console.log(error); to that function, it shows nothing when the error occurred.

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi maliming,

Is there any setting or configuration related to this?

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi maliming,

This is what I got:

      "message":"Your request is not valid!",
      "details":"The following errors were detected during validation.\r\n - Min and Max must be 0 or blank since Input Type is not Text or Number.\r\n",
            "message":"Min and Max must be 0 or blank since Input Type is not Text or Number.",

What I wanted to show is:

Min and Max must be 0 or blank since Input Type is not Text or Number.

Instead of:

Your request is invalid!

Thanks. /Tommy

Hi ryancyq.

It's my bad that running v5.5.2 but following v6.2.0 tutorial. It's working fine after I downloaded the latest version, which is v6.2.0.

Thanks. /Tommy

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