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Activities of "tugrulkarakaya"

After changing that value to confirmed I se eSMS validaiton on the form but How can I make phoen number confirmed via UI or at the end of any process?


One more thing; it seems all currecny signs are hardcoded. Create new Edition is also shows as Dollar. it should also get sign from currecny setting


it seem this resolves the problem. I have added that currency key And I also have changed currency signs manually (they are hard coded texts) they also must be retrieved from setting (currency) automatilcally

Hi Ismail, I changed that value but on Angular side "$" signs is hardcoded and never updated automatilcally and I havent managed to complete changing currency to Pound Sterling yet. working on it. for your information. If I am on wrong way please let me know. (Stripe)

it seems using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete)) will workç I am working on it now. I will let you know. if there is another solution please let me know:)


I have just checked after sending this post ans see that it is updated. thx

Hi All, Actually after I changed the div attributes it fixed.

the generated code was

 <div class="btn-group dropdown" normalizePosition>
                                            <button class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-sm btn-primary"
                                                <i class="fa fa-cog"></i><span class="caret"></span> {{l("Actions")}}

I have changed normalizedPosition to dropdown and whola it works. it seems it needs to be fixed on Abp RAD generator

could you please give me more detail. I have added but still not working.

do you have tenantId. if yes do not forget setting proper cookie Abp.TenantId = YourTenantId

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