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Activities of "turbofrank"

Prerequisites Product Version: 9.0.1 Angular .NET Core ABP: 5.10.1

I'm looking to add Google Social loging for my app:

The google login button is showing correctly:

But I can not login with this since I have to whitelist the URL:

But, in google, you can not whitelist a domain with wildcards, i.e.:

So how do I do to permit google sign in to users inside a tenant? Of course that whitelisting each tenancy in my google OAuth API is not a viable option.

I think it's 9.0.1

Should I update? Is there a know bug with the menu in this version?

  • What is your product version? 9
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? ANGULAR
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .Net Core

If issue is about UI

  • Which theme are you using? Default
  • What are the theme settings? Default

I have some AppMenuItem that have the same route and different parameters:

And they get rendered, but the navigation does not work, it does not recognize that is a different request, so it does not call the component again, and also the view gets confused on which item is active, so there all in blue:



@ismcagdas, the link you provided is is a 404 not found. Any assistance on the issue we are facing above?

That's what we are doing:

We are creating the tenant and the user at the same time:

This data is comming from the google auth.

The problem is that the logInManager.LoginAsync() is not retriving the all the data after we had register with google and want to login with google:

The login manager is only getting the Tenant, but no User nor Identity.


We are developing an application on ASPNETZERO * , using Angular + .Net Core and struggling to get tenant registration working with Google Auth.

We would like to allow self-registration of our SAAS product, via Google Auth. Ideally when a user clicks Google Auth we would create the tenant if it didn't exist yet, and register that user. Unfortunately it seems that the framework only supports Google Auth for user signin/registration, not for tenant creation.

Has anyone successfully accomplished the above? Are we missing something?

Prerequisites Product Version: 9.0.1 Angular .NET Core ABP: 5.10.1

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