Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "uabel"

Hi, is this tool also working with MVC 5.x & Angularjs 1.x? The error which is shown:

Couldn't load information of your Asp.Net Based Project --> Config file not found

Hello, when I start my project I get the following error:

GetScripts:928 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'provider' of undefined in GetScripts:928

(function(){ abp.clock.provider = abp.timing.utcClockProvider || abp.timing.localClockProvider; abp.clock.provider.supportsMultipleTimezone = true; abp.timing.timeZoneInfo = { windows: { timeZoneId: 'UTC', baseUtcOffsetInMilliseconds: '0', currentUtcOffsetInMilliseconds: '0', isDaylightSavingTimeNow: 'False' }, iana: { timeZoneId:'Etc/UTC' }, } })();

In the following function, clock is empty. but not abp.

Any suggestions?

If I then click on the application on the start page many more errors.

The project is almost new and we have not adapted much yet. Last time it worked too.

We're using ASP.NET MVC 5.x & AngularJS 1.x.

ABP 3.8.3

It is running again. I have no idea why ... I only updated some packages (ABP ...)

Error ist Back again, any ideas ?

Is there a step by step guide to change the layout? Which files should be replaced. I can't find the files in the metronic zip file...



we published our web app on server. If we try to log in our backend, following error occurs: Login.js?v=636704311600000000:28 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contentTypes' of undefined at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (Login.js?v=636704311600000000:28) at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?v=636704311600000000:9) at HTMLFormElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js?v=636704311600000000:9)

I check the element in login.js and the complete app object is undefined. 

The web application locally runs without any problems...

We are using ASP.NET MVC 5.x & AngularJS 1.x. The const.js file is in Common/Scripts which is bundled. If I add debug="true" in <compilation targetFramework="4.6.1"> the app is running. So it does not work if bundling is active. What can I do now?

Hi, I'm trying to save html content in my settings variable. Everything works fine and it is saved in table. After reloading my application an error occurs: AbpScripts/GetScripts\n\nSCRIPT1015: Nicht abgeschlossene Zeichenfolgenkonstante

Is it possible to save html content in this table?

We are using the ckeditor. var objEditor = CKEDITOR.instances["helpEditor"]; if (objEditor) { $scope.commonValues.HelpEditorContent = objEditor.getData(); } this is saved into my variable: "<p>this is my text</p>\n\n<p>with newline</p>\n"

In c# the html is shown correctly but then saving to database removes newlines `

Text mit Umbruch

da issa

Showing 1 to 10 of 31 entries