Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ukocabicak"

Do you want to use ASP.NET Zero application as an other microservice without FE for your system (5th API as a monolithic-microservice) and integrate to your microservice infrastructure?

Or do you want to use ASP.NET Zero as a subsystem in your infrastructure with its own FrontEnd like an other Gateway which uses other microservices for FE aswell?

Both cases need a lot of modifications such as overriding authentication, authorization, role-user managers, auditing etc.


And I thought I am dealing with these kind of stuff all the day.


Project is missing a few bundling causing the error above. Need to add

    "outputFileName": "wwwroot/Common/Styles/metronic-customize.min.css",
    "inputFiles": [
    "outputFileName": "wwwroot/Common/Styles/Themes/default/metronic-customize.min.css",
    "inputFiles": [

etc to bundleconfig.json

@exInt Did you find a way to solve the problem?

I have the exact same

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': 'javascript:;' is not a valid selector.

error all over the place.

I have it on both 6.4 MVC Core project and an MVC Core 5.6 version which was running just fine for months on docker container. Just messed up after new build after merge.

@ismcagdas Is this related with unbundled javascript/css files? Do all newly created custom app page js files have to be bundled?


I tried three times fully deleting the project and run a clean project. I keep getting this error.

Clean MVC 6.4 version.

  • Prerequirements are checked
  • Executed yarn before opening solution on Visual Studio

AspNetZero Core MVC: 6.4 yarn: 1.13.0 (current latest) Node: v11.6.0 (current latest) Visual Studio: 15.9.5 (current latest) OS: Windows 10 Pro

yarn doesn't seem to install ion.rangeSlider.skinFlat.css at all.

@muhittincelik can you share server logs?

Its very hard to troubleshoot identityserver problems without logs.

You can implement how to via how to log identityserver if you haven't already.

You are probably trying to map multiple entities into a single dto.

Since PersonListDto and PhoneInPersonListDto properties are not given; I am guessing you are trying to map multiple person entities with multiple phone related entities into multiple PersonListDto which has a single PhoneDto

Can you be sure about

public class PersonListDto{ ...  public List<PhoneInPersonListDto> Phones(or whatever) {get; set;} }

and you have custom mapper configuration for

configuration.CreateMap<Person, PersonListDto>();

It's under  IdentityServer4.Models namespace that you are probably missing. You can get it from nuget.


I think TPH approach is very subtle for your case.

You can extend User to an abstract Person entity. Than extending Person to seperate Student and Teacher entities which will be resulting your table holding both Student and Teacher users with a discriminator.

New forum looks great and I think this is a good place to report a minor defect also :P

After posting an answer (maybe after a question aswell);

username created about x hours ago

at the header of the question/answer seems somewhat broken if not reported before.

For my case, immidiate response seems 3 hours ago. Maybe locale-utc mismatch.

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