Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "valeriy"

Hi User logged in the application first time. He doesn't have tenant yet. I need to refresh AbpSession.TenantId when user creates his profile in the application. At this moment I create new tenant for this user and don't want to logout this user from the application. Please advice how I can do it. Thanks

Hi. How can I check that email is not registered If app uses multi-tenancy? _userManager.FindByEmail(loginModel.EmailAddress) return null if user has tenantId =2. It's need if user forgot his password. Thanks

Will it be update module zero (version to last abp libs (version Please update it. Thanks

Thank you. Yes, I set all these features. I use login too. I very like your Abp project. Thanks.

Is there any way forbid to use web api services by other applications from remote pc? I want that users use site only as angular result from my iis hosting.


I found a solution for my situation: I call _dbContext.InitializeDynamicFilters(); then _dbContext.SetFilterScopedParameterValue(AbpDataFilters.MustHaveTenant, true); _dbContext.SetFilterScopedParameterValue(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant, true);

And select from Users returns values.

But why _dbContext.DisableAllFilters() doesn't work - for me it's question... Thanks


I set Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = true and _userManager.LoginAsync with Tonent works But _dbContext.DisableAllFilters() doesn't work: exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id], [Extent1].[TenantId] AS [TenantId], [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name], [Extent1].[DisplayName] AS [DisplayName], [Extent1].[IsStatic] AS [IsStatic], [Extent1].[IsDefault] AS [IsDefault], [Extent1].[IsDeleted] AS [IsDeleted], [Extent1].[DeleterUserId] AS [DeleterUserId], [Extent1].[DeletionTime] AS [DeletionTime], [Extent1].[LastModificationTime] AS [LastModificationTime], [Extent1].[LastModifierUserId] AS [LastModifierUserId], [Extent1].[CreationTime] AS [CreationTime], [Extent1].[CreatorUserId] AS [CreatorUserId] FROM [dbo].[AbpRoles] AS [Extent1] WHERE ((([Extent1].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND (@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_tenantId IS NULL)) OR (([Extent1].[TenantId] IS NOT NULL) AND ([Extent1].[TenantId] = @DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_tenantId)) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_DynamicFilterIsDisabled IS NOT NULL)) AND (([Extent1].[IsDeleted] = @DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_IsDeleted) OR (@DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_DynamicFilterIsDisabled IS NOT NULL)) AND ([Extent1].[TenantId] = @p__linq__0) AND (N''Admin'' = [Extent1].[Name])',N'@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_tenantId int,@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_DynamicFilterIsDisabled bit,@DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_IsDeleted bit,@DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_DynamicFilterIsDisabled bit,@p__linq__0 int',@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_tenantId=0,@DynamicFilterParam_MayHaveTenant_DynamicFilterIsDisabled=NULL,@DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_IsDeleted=0,@DynamicFilterParam_SoftDelete_DynamicFilterIsDisabled=NULL,@p__linq__0=1

Please advise. Thanks

Thanks. It's fine. Could the forum send a mail notification, when somebody replied?

Hi. Thanks for your job. It's the best. I downloaded files from <a class="postlink" href=""></a>. Sample app works. Bun when I compiled and linked libs from src directory - it doesn't work :(. Could you please commit working version? Thanks

Best regards, Valeriy


Good day. How can I use dynamic Filter or disable it in migration, when I use dbContext? Thanks

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