While selecting dropdown focus stuck for some seconds. What is the issue?
Please help me on that?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Actually this is not a related topic with AspNet Zero, you need to develop it by yourself but anyway I have send you an example I have done before in one of our previous projects.
I hope it helps.
<cite>velu: </cite>
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi velu,
It depends on your project type but basically you need to load dependent combobox on the change event of main combobox. It is a bit easier if you are using angularjs, but also not hard for jquery.
Let's assume that you have country & city comboboxes. When user selects a country, change event of country combobox will fire and in that event you will call your server-side method using country combo's selected value.
Please provide any Step by Step detailed example.
Any Update?
<cite>velu: </cite>
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Which template do you use ? Angular2, Angular1, ASP.NET Core with jQuery or ASP.NET MVC 5.x with jquery ?
ASP.NET MVC 5.x & Angularjs 1.x
Any Update?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi velu,
It depends on your project type but basically you need to load dependent combobox on the change event of main combobox. It is a bit easier if you are using angularjs, but also not hard for jquery.
Let's assume that you have country & city comboboxes. When user selects a country, change event of country combobox will fire and in that event you will call your server-side method using country combo's selected value.
Please provide any Step by Step detailed example.
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Which template do you use ? Angular2, Angular1, ASP.NET Core with jQuery or ASP.NET MVC 5.x with jquery ?
ASP.NET MVC 5.x & Angularjs 1.x
How to make dependent Dropdown?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Our application does not contain an example of it, but you can implement it in two ways.
You can open a modal when user wants to pick countr/city/district etc. In that modal, list locations. When user clicks a record on the list, set the value of opener component. You can check ui-bootstrap's modal for how to do it.
You can use select2 component which you can see here <a class="postlink" href="http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/admin_4_material_design/components_select2.html">http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/ ... lect2.html</a>.
Please take a look at "Remote Data Fetching Via Ajax" section. When user writes any text in this component it gets matched records from server and displays records as a dropdown. Of course you will need to write server side code as well.
Sorry, we cannot provide full example of every usage but we can try to help you if you have any problems while applying one of these solutions.
How Can i open two modal?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
So, when creating/editing a product you will select an existing organiztion unit, right ?
Yes, Current Login Users organiztion unit..