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Activities of "vincent.calaor"

I just found out that PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase is not using hangfire at all. its a standalone triggered by timer.

Anyway I was able to find a code using IRecurringJobManager and implement it with Hangfire.

I am able to setup the Hangfire and UseHangfire from the PreInitialize of my abpModule unfortunately I cant see the recurring task from the HangFire Dashboard, but I can see, by break point, that the background worker is hitting the DoWork of my PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase

I sorted out. Thanks!

and by the way I need the hangfire to work with MySQL

Oh I found it under my Web.Mvc

I am using Abp 4.3.0 and now adapting to Aspnet.Zero

I dont want to migrate my application I just want to make the Hangfire work for now.

Any advice?

I am planning to add Hangfire on our project. I just want to know which project should I use to install the hangfire?

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