Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "vincenzo dʹalconzo"


i've work very hard yesterday for this issue... i have a workaround:

go to 'BundleConfig.cs' and change

'new StyleBundle("~/Bundles/App/vendor/css")' in -> 'new StyleBundle("~/Content/AllMyCss.css")'

go to 'layout.cshtml' and change:

<a href="mailto:'@Styles.Render">'@Styles.Render</a>("~/Bundles/App/vendor/css")' in -> <a href="mailto:'@Styles.Render">'@Styles.Render</a>("~/Content/AllMyCss.css")'

i've found that solution in ''.

I've tested locally missing css issue adding this code:

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;

in method: global.asax.cs -> protected override void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){...}

this force optimization even in local machine, remember to comment this line when you have fixed the issue!!;)

Thi workaround resolve functionality (missing images and css) but i see some error in firebug, but the site now work fine.

Anyone have the correct solution ? Why virtual directory '~/Bundles/App/vendor/css' is not reachable ?


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