Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "vineforce"

Hello Support,

When we are adding the property of type enum using zero power tool then it breaks the visual studio. Could you please guide why it is happening?

Using latest version 5.2.0. (ASP.NET Core & Angular)


Hello Support,

We are trying to set some default permissions to the tenants and don't allow them to update the permissions. But when we are trying to assign those from the backend, then those are not affecting the application. Like we want to assign dashboard permission to one tenant later and we executed the below query to assign but it doesn't affect on the front side.

INSERT INTO AbpPermissions(CreationTime,  Discriminator, IsGranted, Name, TenantId,RoleId)
Values (GETDATE(),'RolePermissionSetting',1,'Pages.Tenant.Dashboard',124,244)

Could you please guide us how we can do this from the backend?



Application is working correctly now, I needed to deply the host application again.


please check the issue <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Thanks for Reply,

It's almost working, but having one issue. Ít is not connecting database API. I have updated appconfig.json and also put the web.config file from the angular folder on Azure. Please guide me, may I miss something.


Hello Support,

I have deployed the Server project on Azure and also updated the API URL in client project under src/assets/appconfig.Json file. Now I want to deploy the client project on Azure also using the same WPI Url. If I am running the client application on local browser under localhost:4200 after starting the npm start then it is running correctly, but I amn't able to deploy the application on Azure server. Even I followed the below article, not able to find out the solution. I might be doing some mistakes in the URLs. Could you please help me to resolve this issue. As I want to deploy both as different projects.


Note: I am using VS 2015 Update 3

Thanks Harsh

1.remove the indexing first for which it raised the error 2 apply changes of your column 3.create indexes which was deleted in 1 step.

HI, i have a problem with storing Username having length more than 32 characters. i have overrided the username column in table through migration but it still not allowing to store a value more that 32 char.

Hello Support,

As I want to convert our application for Multi-tenant features with different databases. I want to confirm one thing that if we will do any change in any table or any database change, do we need to migrate each and every database separately as all of them are connected with single application.

your help is appreciated.



Is there any way to alter the schema of organization unit in database? I have to add new columns to abpOrganizationUnit table to store few more data relating each OrganizationUnit. I have found that assembly has abp.Organization which contains class for Organization Unit.

Please suggest a way to alter that Organization Unit schema.

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