Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "vladsd"

All I did is moved SendTestEmail to UserEmailer so test email comes with body, etc.

And now I get this:

An error occurred while starting the application. CircularDependencyException: Dependency cycle has been detected when trying to resolve component 'MyApp.Authorization.Users.UserEmailer'. The resolution tree that resulted in the cycle is the following: Component 'MyApp.Authorization.Users.UserEmailer' resolved as dependency of component 'MyApp.MultiTenancy.TenantManager' resolved as dependency of component 'MyApp.Emailing.EmailTemplateProvider' resolved as dependency of component 'MyApp.Authorization.Users.UserEmailer' resolved as dependency of component 'Abp.MultiTenancy.AbpTenantManager`2[[MyApp.MultiTenancy.Tenant, MyApp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[MyApp.Authorization.Users.User, MyApp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]_1805ea27-3e70-4292-a3cf-3e176e5d35eb' resolved as dependency of component 'MyApp.MultiTenancy.TenantManager_1889fa30-a4b8-4dcc-b99a-e4ab64a3f96d' resolved as dependency of component 'MyApp.MultiTenancy.SubscriptionExpirationCheckWorker' which is the root component being resolved. Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.DefaultHandler.ResolveCore(CreationContext context, bool requiresDecommission, bool instanceRequired, out Burden burden)

Is there a way to change the MaxValueLength

public virtual string Value { get; set; }

I need to extend to 4000 and abp default is 2000


I added the code in User Edit modal to set the active tab on show but it fails as tabs are not initialized?

Any ideas?

@ViewChild('userTabs') userTabs: TabsetComponent;

    selectTab(tab_id: number) {
        //console.log("setting active tab: " + tab_id);
        // this fails as tabs not defined
        if (this.userTabs.tabs)
            this.userTabs.tabs[tab_id].active = true;

in show function 
 if (this.activeTab != null) {
            var tabi = this.activeTab;
            this.activeTab = null;

Thanks for insights

Is there an easy way to move the tenant data from a shared database to a dedicated database?

Ideally it will be great to have backend admin function with simple UI.

Thanks for insight.


There is an export users function. What about Import Users? Anyone have implemented it?


Zero Angular version is using a lot of modal dialog for create/edit.

Is there a simple way to wrap those modals into the routes and present them that way vs via modal dialog?

Thanks for insight.


Got to play with RAD tool, not sure you want feedback here or on github. You can move it. Here is a first impression: GREAT JOB!

For sure RAD tool gives a core code that saves lots of time.... Here some suggestions!


  1. Allow for maxchar definition in database.
  2. Allow to specify foreign keys.


  1. Allow for multilevel namespace. For example MyCompany.MyGroup.MyModule.MyEntity
  2. Allow for new Entity to existing Entity relationship. For example MyDealership.HasManyCars and express it in the code.
  3. XML localization generated should prefix name with name of Entity so it does conflict. For example generic filed "Name" would get duplicated.

ANGULAR UI: Since I only used Angular, my feedback is here for it.

  1. Allow grouping of Entity fields, groups create tabs on modal.
  2. Allow to choose between modal edit and not modal edit for details.
  3. Allow for UI generation for aggregation of foreign keys or collections, as above in application, my dealership has many cars, so dealership entity ui has a tab to add cards. just like roles and and users or org units and members.
  4. Allow to spec what field in UI should be used, like date, multiline, checkbox, badges, etc.

Thanks for a great tool, hope the above feedback is of the value.


Did anyone implemented an elegant email template in this framework?

Are there 3rd party email templates solution in C#?



Can notification system can be extended to support SMS and email notification, maybe even post mail?

Do you know if zero framework considered to allow social login credentials per tenant?

If you just enable per host, new requirements from fb and google require exact path of redirect url, with many tenants, one need to go and update that path everytime new tenant is added.

Any ideas?


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