Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "wanghugh"


I can run the Angular client and serverapi ok. When I publish the webhost。I can‘t open angular client. services.AddCors(options => { options.AddPolicy(DefaultCorsPolicyName, builder => {

        I have allow all CORS.

Hi, I got a problem with the p-fileupload compnent after I updated from 8.9 to 9.0.

Please help to judge what kind of problem it could be.

the previous frame:

now the frames folded together:


Oh, we did nothing, just downloaded and compiled the template project and the UI shows wrong.

<p-fileUpload multiple="multiple"                       id="DefaultFileUploadFileInput"                       name="DefaultFileUploadFileInput[]"                       [url]="uploadUrl"                       accept="image/*"                       maxFileSize="1000000"                       (onUpload)="onUpload($event)"                       (onBeforeSend)="onBeforeSend($event)">

<ng-template pTemplate="content"> <ul *ngIf="uploadedFiles.length"> <li *ngFor="let file of uploadedFiles">{{}} - {{file.size}} bytes</li> </ul> </ng-template> </p-fileUpload> link error! I can't open this link. 404 error

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