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Activities of "wcdagency"

problem solved.


My customer wants to print the exact look of grid, i mean, les say i have 20 rows of grid then I implied search filter then it reduced from 20 to 8, so , I want to add a button nearby a grid (print) , after clicking this button, it will print 8 rows of this filtered grid. What do you suggest?

hello I want to use select2 selectbox, what would you suggest?

ok , but, still I could not understand how to give permission to tenants from host to tenants.

Well , the reason is, I update the user's tenantID from null to 1 then it creates another user record.

Do these entities support multi-tenancy? yes


I created many entities in host account. I created a tenant then created user for this tenant. when I login to system, left menu is empty. but I already created entities in host. how could I give permissions for for the ones I created in host account to make them visible in tenant account?


an interesting situation, when I could not be able to login, I stop project then restart project ; after that I realize that , a brand new record is inserted in abpusers, which is not good. what could be reason and ways to avoid it?

Hello in ../mvc/accountcontroller

var loginResult = await _logInManager.LoginAsync(usernameOrEmailAddress, password, tenancyName);

        switch (loginResult.Result)
            case AbpLoginResultType.Success:
                return loginResult;
                throw _abpLoginResultTypeHelper.CreateExceptionForFailedLoginAttempt(loginResult.Result, usernameOrEmailAddress, tenancyName);

loginresult returns null. I want to check the .LoginAsync function but I could not be able to access it, I have to debug why user could not be able to login. where could I access .loginasync method?


In whole system, If I delete an entity, It deletes completely from the database. But what I would like to do is, I dont want any entity to be deleted, I want to add a property, les say, IsDeleted Or IsPassive, whatever, so , when it is first created and not deleted, IsDeleted=false or IsPassive=false, when It is deleted , I want to set this property IsDeleted=true.

how would I accomplish it?

Do I have to create a custom IRepository? how?

Showing 11 to 20 of 42 entries