I'm not fully understanding something about the multi tenancy db contexts. I'm aiming for a single application with multiple tenant DB's and one host DB using .NET Core.
In the documentation (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Multi-Tenancy">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... ti-Tenancy</a>) it says you can create a host DB context and a tenant DB context.
What should these host and tenant DB contexts derive from? I see from the Module Zero example, they derive from AbpZeroHostDbContext or AbpZeroTenantDbContext but those classes aren't bundled with the project. Should I be adding the dependency for AbpZero.EntityFramework and using it in the same way?
Many thanks, webnoob
That's great news. I've just read through the documentation and love what I see for my next project (thanks for the work).
Any idea when the new template will be available? I'm not sure if I should wait for it or start writing my own version or perhaps copy what I can from the MVC5 version.
Guidance would be appreciated.