Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "wilddog"

Hi, thanks for the response! Yes, .Net Core.

Yes, I have discovered Castle Windsor is a big part of the framework. I am pulling it out and extending the built in DI system to see how far I can get. So far making decent progress. I did get the Aspect stuff to work with the new version of Castle Core.

Anyway, thanks for open sourcing such a cool framework. I will certainly learn a lot from the excellent design and coding. I will keep you updated with my progress. An interesting experiment and learning experience if nothing else.

Thanks again!


I used the create template from the web function and got a template. It is using .NET 4.6.1 framework, not Core 1.0. I noticed there are some libraries in Abp that aren't ported to ASP.NET Core yet - such as Windsor and the transaction scope stuff that is part of System.Transaction.

I also noticed that there are Core specific files included in Abp for configuration, EF Core, etc.

So obviously you have done work to make this run in ASP.NET Core. Is the Castle Windsor dependency the only thing that is holding that up?

I want to run in pure ASP.NET Core - I guess this will require me replacing Castle Windsor in Abp to get that going. Is this something that you are working on? If I remove the dependency on Windsor what else will have to be done to make this run in ASP.NET Core?

Thanks in advance!

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