Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "worthyvii"

This seems impossible because MZ includes a field which is over 30 chars long, which Oracle won't allow. Can you confirm if you're gonna change this hikalkan?


I'm reading through all the lovely code right now and I have noticed that the whole authentication is managed in the controller (Account).

Why isn't this just passed up to a service at the Application level? Because of this, we have to pull the Core assembly into the Web assemble.

I'm sure there is a good reason, (getting Owin service from the Http context?) but is there a way we can pull that apart too?




In the documentation for session: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... bp-Session</a>

You wrote that: "it's adviced to use IAbpSession in application layer and upper layers (we don't use it in domain layer normally). " advised *

However, to do multi-tenancy, aren't you taking the session and applying the TenantId somewhere in your Repository<Entity> ?

Is this a necessary evil? Please clarify if I missed something, thanks.

In response to my previous message, here is the solution to avoid the 32 character name limit in Oracle. Add this to your DbContext class.

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


            //short oracle names

            modelBuilder.Entity< NotificationInfo >()
                .Property(t => t.EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName)

                .Property(t => t.EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName)

                .Property(t => t.EntityTypeAssemblyQualifiedName)

Sorry, my long reply was deleted (dam network) so I'll make this one short.

I see, so session wouldn't be used in domain, but the user in question may be passed up directly. Doesn't this make Application part of the presentation(Web layer?)

Disregarding that, my question is closer to "How did you implement multi-tenant filtering?".

I don't see where you do it inside your AbpRepositoryBase....


<a class="postlink" href=""> ... micFilters</a> ?

This is the final puzzle piece I was looking for to be able to fully embrace ABP. I have a complex system with 2 tenancy sides. (Our company, and other suppliers).

I'm sure I'm probably supposed to be creating a whole separate project for each side of the system, but for now I don't have time to make such huge changes.


I would like to add IP Address to the information saved on a table. How would I do this?

Thanks so much!

What is the recommended way to write tests which test input which depends on tenant ID? (Create message, for example)


How can I map things using the fluent Api in a similar way to CreatedUserId on the ICreationAudited interface.

I want to attach an interface, and have it automatically create the foreign key link in the database. How did you guys accomplish this? I cannot see it in the code

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