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Activities of "yekalkan"

Adding custom templates is on road map. (high priority)

Hi @CyklusSoftware,

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new dto like below (dto name doesn't matter)
public class LocationListDto
        public LocationDto Location{ get; set; }

        public string LocationCategoryName { get; set; }
  1. Modify your GetAll method of LocationAppService
public async Task<PagedResultDto<LocationListDto>> GetAll(GetAllLocationsInput input) //Also modify ILocationAppService
            var isFilterNullOrEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Filter);

            var locations = _locationRepository.GetAll().WhereIf(!isFilterNullOrEmpty, d => true); // insert your filter here

            var locationCategories= _locationCategoryRepository.GetAll(); // inject locationCategoryRepository in constructor

            var query = (from l in locations
                        join lc in locationCategories on l.LocationCategoryId equals lc.Id into gj
                        from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new LocationListDto() {Location= ObjectMapper.Map<LocationDto>(l), LocationCategoryName = subpet == null?"": subpet.Name});

            var totalCount = await query.CountAsync();

            var locationsSortedAndPaged = await query
                .OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? " asc")

            return new PagedResultDto<LocationListDto>(
  1. Add new field in index.js and modify existing ones
      targets: 2, // set your own target value
       data: "locationCategoryName"
       targets: 1,
       data: "location.myField" // old version was data:"myField" . We added "location.". You have to do it for all existing fields
  1. Add header in index.cshtml

Thats all. It should work if i didn't forget to paste any code.

  1. Its AspNet Zero project only, We have modified it a bit according to our requirement.

Are you sure? You've sent us a project that only contains a textbox that auto-completes the words. And we didn't get what we supposed to do with it.


Hi @ dparizek , thanks for the feedback.

'Generating from existing entity' feature is on our long-term road map.

Unfortunately tool doesn't support pre-5.0 versions. However, you can use many parts of generated code by carrying them to your own project.

Edit: version info corrected.


If you can successfully build manually, problem may be related to visual studio. Is there any warning before "Running add-migration"?

By the way, we've fixed the bug that causes DirectoryNotFoundException when a file not found. (you can update vs extension to 1.2.3) Could you please update it and try again?


hi, @faisalalam

I'm sorry but no date yet.

  1. Allow for maxchar definition in database.

I don't get what you mean. You can set nvarchar(x) by filling maxlength field, and nvarchar(max) by not filling it.



Words that are localized by tool (property name, entity name etc) should be usually simple words and has same meaning everywhere. I am not sure why you need this.

However, we may discuss that and give a prefix option for localization in next versions.


Hi andmattia,

You can create a new github issue in aspnet-zero-core repository and explain what happens if camel case is used for namespace.



Deleting and recreating DB doesn't break your license. Please contact to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> about this problem.

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