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Activities of "yyfiremaple"

Hi ryancyq,

Thanks for the reply, I just want to change the language for the datetimepicker. I looked at the link you provided, but I still counldn't figuare out how to make it work.

If I want to change it to ru, do I need to download could you provide more detail of how to achieve this please.


<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Hi,</span>

In using version 6.7.0 .Net core MVC.


Hi there,

Is there a way to localize the default date picker? Adding entries into the localizationDictionary of desired language won't work.


Lastest version has a display issue on 4k monitor, which makes the tool unusable, please fix. Thanks.

Hi Developers,

I'm new to zero, I tried the power tool and it seems to working fine, however, I can't find a way to create one to many relationship between entities, is it supported in the current version of power tool? If not, is there any plans to add it to the tool in the near future, and can you point me to the tutorial for how to do that manually for now, cause I can't find any.


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