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Activities of "zimplerconsulting"

Ah ok. I see. That makes sense. Thanks!

And it would be possible to extend the User screens with e.g. possibilites to select teachers or students? (e.g. with a dropdown or so). I don't know if there are any examples for such a case like this? Or any other many-to-many examples?

Thanks! Ehm... any example on this? How would you do this in AspnetZero?

Sorry, it's just not quite clear :(

OK, but do I need to create separate Entities for Students and Teachers? I mean, can I re-use the Users from a Tenant for this? Because a User can login to a Tenant app.

If I need the same functionality for a Student or Teacher, it seems a bit overkill to create exactly the same Entities.

But maybe I don't get the concept of a relation entity. What is it?

Yes. That is correct.

So I guess a School can be just the Tenant.

Every User inside the Tenant can be either a Teacher, a Student or both. But indeed, now I think about it: a Student could have one or more Teachers and a Teacher could have one or more Students.

So yeah, do I need multiple entities for this or can I re-use the Users for this and extend that entity?

Best, Daniel

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks for the follow up. Could you eleborate a bit more on this relation entity? If I can make a User a 'Teacher or Student or Both' based on Roles, why would I need a relation? And between which entities you mean?

Hope you can help me some more.

Thanks, Daniel

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