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downgrade ANZ 6.9.0 to dotnet core 2.1 ? #10059

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sedulen created


  • What is your product version? ANZ 6.9.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? ABP 4.5.0

Possibly a simple question, but has anyone downgraded ANZ 6.9.0 to dotnet core 2.1?

  • I've been running my ANZ application in a couple of different deployment modes (VM+IIS fully manually managed) and Azure Windows AppService.
  • I'm trying to deploy my ANZ application in an Azure Linux AppService, and for Azure AppService's supported runtimes, they only support dotnet core 2.1 and dotnet core 3.1, since dotnet core 2.2 is EOL.

I've been looking to upgrade from ANZ 6.9.0 to ANZ 9.1.0, but I'm not ready to take on that upgrade effort yet, so I was hoping that downgrading from dotnet core 2.2 to dotnet core 2.1 would be a simpler approach.

I'm curious if anyone else has tried this or has an comments, before I start down this effort.


4 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @sedulen

    We haven't tried but as far as I remember, this should work without a problem. Please let us know if you face any problems when you do that.

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    sedulen created

    Thanks @ismcagdas,

    If I'm running an ANZ v6.9.1 solution, that's built on ABP v4.5.0, and I want to downgrade the dotnet core framework from 2.2 to 2.1, it looks like I'll have to also downgrade ABP from v4.5.0 to ABP v4.1.0, and then I run the risk of feature regression.

    Ideally I would prefer to upgrade from ANZ v6.9.1 to ANZ v9.3.0 (not quite ready to go to dotnet core 5+ yet), but I'm a little concerned with the amount of additional features that have been added and the regression testing required.

    What I'm wondering is if it would make sense to fork/clone the ABP v4.5.0 repo and re-compile the assemblies to dotnet core 2.1.

    My concern there is that I'm continuing to move further away from the base ABP and ANZ frameworks, making upgrading later even harder.

    Any thoughts on how I could more easily downgrade? Is there an ANZ v6.9.1 project available that targets dotnet core 2.1 already? (The site is down at the moment for maintenance, so I can't check it myself).

    Thanks again!

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    sedulen created

    Hello again.
    An update on this idea, I was able to change the target framework to netcoreapp2.1.

    Building clean and the rebuilding, I ran into assembly reference issues referencing version 1.2.2 of "Abp.AspNetZeroCore" Reverting that assembly reference down to version 1.1.11 resolved that issue.

    Then there were a handful of sections of code that reference "Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Web.Authentication.External.WsFederation" that I had to remove.

    After that I am now able to successfully build my application using ANZ v6.9.1 downgraded to dotnet core 2.1.

    I will continue to test through next week to see how this goes, but my next step will be to build my application and attempt to deploy to a linux-based Azure AppService running dotnet 2.1 as it's runtime.

    I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Thanks again for the help!

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @sedulen

    Thanks a lot for sharing your findings. Maybe it is better for you to upgrade to .NET Core 3.1 or .NET 5 in the future :).