I saw some support thread regarding angular universal for server side rendering. you had mentioned that ASPNetZero has not been tested for angular universal. I am not sure for which version of ASPNetZero you had replied as being not tested.
My question is "Is latest version of ASPNetzero has been tested for angular universal". Also could you please provide some link where some of the component of existing angular application has been converted for server side rendering using angular universal.
Regards, Mahendra
4 Answer(s)
Hi @mahendra
We created an article about server side rendering in Angular, see https://medium.com/volosoft/building-a-simple-angular-universal-application-with-asp-net-boilerplate-hero-shop-c63f9a5249ae. But, this was 3 years ago, so probably it will not work with the latest version.
If you can create an issue on GitHub, we can create a tutorial for using Angular Universal in AspNet Zero if possible.
Hi @mahendra
I have put this issue to 10.4 milestone, so probalby we will start working on it in the beginning of April.
any updates on this one?