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Update-Database does not seed data #10340

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novacon created

Hi there,

Recently I've change Db from MsSQL to MySQL. I followed the instructions for integrating to mysql databse; such as:

  • Changed builder.UseMySql(connectionString) in DbContextConfigurer, Configure Method.
  • Deleted all migration classes and snapshot from EntityFrameworkCore project and recreated them from scratch.

When I Update-Database, database is creating successfully but without data inside. I tried to debug with Debugger.Launch() but SeedHelper.SeedHostDb(IIocResolver iocResolver) method isn't being called.

Then I switched back to MsSQL version and got the same problem.

I'de be glad if you help with this problem, thanks.

product version : 9.3.0 product type: angular product framework type: .net core

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    The problem is solveed by email help. Running the Migrator project solves the problem.