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Documentation on Lockout #10644

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hra created

I cannot find any documentation detailing "User Account Lockout".

On the User creation page, there is a tickbox called "Lockout Enabled" - what does this do?

I have had user accounts get locked out. Where do I see in the interface whether a user account is locked out or not?

For the accounts that had become "locked out", I went to the users list, clicked "Actions" and chose "Unlock" - is that what is supposed to be done? How do we know that the unlock worked (other than asking the user if they were able to log in...)

My Assumptions:

The "Lockout enabled" checkbox does not mean the user account is locked out, it means it CAN be locked out if they violate login policies (failed attempts). If this is not ticked, they can fail login as many times as they like, they will not be locked out. There is NO UI for seeing if a user account is currently locked out or not.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    If you click the "Advanced filter options" in the user list page, you can filter locked users, see;

    Your assumptions are correct, it works exactly like you described.