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Date.Prototype methods overridden in AppPreBootstrap.ts causing issues with devextreme datetime picker component inside datagrid #10776

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bluescopesteel created


Product version - 10.4.0 Product type (Angular or MVC)?Angular Product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NetCore ABP Framework version? ABP 6.4

Hi Support Team,

I am using a Devextreme component in my application. Its a DateTime picker. Something like in this page But it is not working properly. When I checked with them, they asked me to make sure that the Date.prototype methods are not overwritten in the project. In my project I see the following code in AppPrebootstrap.ts

 private static configureLuxon() {
        let luxonLocale = new LocaleMappingService().map(


        if (abp.clock.provider.supportsMultipleTimezone) {
            Settings.defaultZoneName = abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId;

        Date.prototype.toISOString = function () {
            let value = DateTime.fromJSDate(this).setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId).toString();
            return value;

        Date.prototype.toString = function () {
            let value = DateTime.fromJSDate(this).setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId).toString();
            return value;

        DateTime.prototype.toString = function () {
            let date = this.setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId) as DateTime;
            return date.toISO();

Can you please let me know why the prototype classes are overridden in the above function? I tried commenting the following lines but did not see any changes in the application.

Date.prototype.toISOString = function () {
            let value = DateTime.fromJSDate(this).setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId).toString();
            return value;

        Date.prototype.toString = function () {
            let value = DateTime.fromJSDate(this).setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId).toString();
            return value;

        DateTime.prototype.toString = function () {
            let date = this.setLocale('en').setZone(abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId) as DateTime;
            return date.toISO();


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