Could you help me to configure a separate database for AuditingStore and EntityHistory. I can't find any full soultion worked for that. As database growing fast from those tables I see it will be better to move them into seperate database with its own connevtionstring for sqlserver
4 Answer(s)
In order to implement your own AuditingStore, you first need to create a custom implementation, something like this;
public class MyAuditingStore : IAuditingStore, ITransientDependency { // custom implementation }
Then, you need to replace the existing one with your implementation like this in the PreInitialize method of your Core module;
Configuration.ReplaceService<IAuditingStore, MyAuditingStore>();
You can implement a same approach for
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Thanks for your answer. I figured out how to save auditt data on mongoDb and it is done. Now I can't get data bask to be read on the UI I changed AuditLogAppService to get data from mongoDB client but it fires exception: "System.Reflection.TargetException: Non-static method requires a target." when GetAuditLogs method call var resultCount = await query.CountAsync();
Please let me know what i did wrong in the below code.
Hi @amerWAM
I haven't queried data from MongoDB but I think your query is not executable in MongoDB. You can try to remove filter and sorting etc... and try to execute your query again.
Thank you very much, yeah its regarding mongo query.