Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "amerWAM"

Thank you very much, yeah its regarding mongo query.


Thanks for your answer. I figured out how to save auditt data on mongoDb and it is done. Now I can't get data bask to be read on the UI I changed AuditLogAppService to get data from mongoDB client but it fires exception: "System.Reflection.TargetException: Non-static method requires a target." when GetAuditLogs method call var resultCount = await query.CountAsync();

Please let me know what i did wrong in the below code.


Could you help me to configure a separate database for AuditingStore and EntityHistory. I can't find any full soultion worked for that. As database growing fast from those tables I see it will be better to move them into seperate database with its own connevtionstring for sqlserver


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