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Problem with bsDatepicker datePickerLuxonModifier #11078

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Hellonote created


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Hello guys! I have a problem with datepicker for production users. I don't know why my date pickers has this behavior, this doesn't work. This gif was taken from demo-ui-components pages and is the same for the others components. I am able to reproduce this issue on my local machine for below steps:

  1. Set clock provider to UTC in starttup.cs. (Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;)
  2. Changed the local machine timezone.
  3. Run the app. For all datepickers, selected date is keep on changing. It's decreamenting.

If we don't set the Clock Provider then there is no issue. But for app this is important, we want all dates to be save in UTC.

Can you help me please? Thanks!

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Hellonote

    Please follow We will try to refactor this modifier.

  • User Avatar
    Hellonote created

    Hello Team,

    We resolved this issue, sharing the solution here: In DatePickerLuxonModifierDirective > Consturctor > We replaced below // this.dateChange.emit(date); this.dateChange.emit(DateTime.fromJSDate(date));

    Explaination: The issue was because of different timezone(For the timezones where date is getting change) this.dateChange.emit(date), triggering ngOnChange, there JSDate is getting set. Since timezone is changed it returns -1 day(in our case). And here the cycle starts. It again trigger constructor and then ngOnChange.

    <br> As a solution, we used the same DateTime.fromJSDate(date) instead date.