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Create static access token valid for 365 days #11251

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omkarchoudhari created


We are developing a client application where we are exposing APIs to external application. That external application needs a static token instead of calling Authentication API every time when token expires I tried to create seperate API like TokenAuth/Authentication to generate static token valid for 365 days but it seems to be valid only for 24 hours instead of 365 days. I set expiration time for this access token to 365 days but it dosen't seems to be working as expected.

Can you please suggest how we can achieve this through framework?

5 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    When you call CreateAccessToken method (see, you can pass expiration time to this method. Otherwise, the default value (1 day) will be used. Are you using the similar approach ?

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    omkarchoudhari created

    Thank you Ismail

    We tried this option as well by passing expiration time to CreateAccessToken . As you see in above scrrenshot, access token time expire in seconds = 365 days but in actual, it is valid only for 1 day.

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    omkarchoudhari created

    hi Ismail,

    Reopened this ticket again

    We created a method which generates static token which is valid for 365 days by passign expiration time But, we can't use this token more than a day It is throwing error "Current user did not login to the application"

    Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

    Token error =>

    Token Expiry date screenshot =>

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Does that work if you change this configuration to 365 days ?

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    omkarchoudhari created


    I have written following code . So here I set Access token ExpireInSeconds property assigned to RefreshTokenExpiration value which is 365 days.

    var accessToken = CreateAccessToken(await CreateJwtClaims(loginResult.Identity, loginResult.User, refreshTokenKey: refreshToken.key),new TimeSpan(365,1,1,1));

         return new AuthenticateResultModel
            AccessToken = accessToken,
            ExpireInSeconds = (int)_configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
            RefreshToken = refreshToken.token,
            RefreshTokenExpireInSeconds = (int)_configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
            EncryptedAccessToken = GetEncryptedAccessToken(accessToken),
            TwoFactorRememberClientToken = twoFactorRememberClientToken,
            UserId = loginResult.User.Id,
            TenantId = loginResult.Tenant?.Id,
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl,

    Looks like AbpAuthorize is not validating this access token validity . can you pl confirm.

    [AbpAuthorize] public async Task<LeadOpportunityDetailDto> GetOpportunityDetail(string OpportunityId)