While creating an edition, we can enter name, amount, features etc. After creating edition, if we want to edit that edition we can call UpdateEdition api. But in UpdateEdition api, there is no option to update edition amount . Is there any reason for this?
1 Answer(s)
Hi @zdeen
Yes, this is implemented in this way on purpose. When you create an edition and customers (tenants) subcsribe to this edition, payment records may be created on payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal. When a tenant subscribes to an Edition using Stripe, Stripe tries to charge customer's credit card automatically and it is not possible to change the subscription amount on Stripe.
If you are not using this approach, you can modify the source code and allow users to edit Edition prices. Anotehr altnernative would be creating a new edition with a different price and allow users to use that one.