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Activities of "zdeen"


Hi, I need to enter float value instead of integer in the below line:

inputType: new SingleLineStringInputType(new NumericValueValidator(0, int.MaxValue))

What should I give instead of "NumericValueValidator" here? I couldnot find anything similar to FloatValueValidator. Thank you

Hi, I was trying to get edition feature values: for some editions, GetFeatureValuesAsync(Int editionId) is returning correct values. But for some editions, GetFeatureValuesAsync is returning zero even though I can see correct values are saved in AbpFeatures table in DB. As I can not see the content of GetFeatureValuesAsync method, I am not able to understand the reason for this. Could you please explain the method content or any extra filter in the method which cause setting feature value as zero in response Thank you



I would like to add a new service which will use another class (say, class A) to complete the task. What is the procedure to add a new service in aspnet zero

In case of unlimited subscription( that is, SubscriptionEndDate=NULL), while upgrading to another edition, "UpgradePrice" is just cost of target edition. "Last payment amount" or "price for unused period" is not considered in such cases. Is this logic correct? If a tenant opt for unlimited subscription and payment is done monthly, then while upgrading to another edition in the mid of month, "price for unused period" should be considered while calculating "UpgradePrice", right?

Hi , We are using this version of ASPNET ZERO:

ASP.NET CORE & Angular .NET Core 2.2 v7.2.3

We have a multi tenant application (still in staging but some users are testing it for a production launch) and found that one tenant was moved to Inactive state,

From the tenants table it appears that indeed tenant was updated to ne Inactive but the LastModifiedUserId is NULL.

I have few audit logs pushed to LogAnalytics ( custom implementation) but dotn't see anything at that time

This makes me believe that may be some Background job might have updated this Tenant.

Could you please let me know if there are any case where background jobs may update the Tenant and what can be the reason for LastUpdatedUserId being NULL.

Thanks a lot for the help.


This video has details

While creating an edition, we can enter name, amount, features etc. After creating edition, if we want to edit that edition we can call UpdateEdition api. But in UpdateEdition api, there is no option to update edition amount . Is there any reason for this?

Thanks @ismcagdas .This really helped,

Hi , We are using this version of ASPNET ZERO:

ASP.NET CORE & Angular .NET Core 2.2 v7.2.3

The application is hosted in Azure and the datastore used is SQL Azure. Connection string is in appsetting file and is fetched via _appConfiguration.GetConnectionString.

I was trying to move this to Azure KeyVault so that API code can fetch SQL Server connection string from Azure KeyVault.So was trying to inject Azure KeyVault in WebCoreModule as dependency to fetch SQL Azure Connection string

I have written an implementation on top of Azure KeyVault called KeyVaultManager in my code which connects to KeyVault and fetch the details . When I tried injecting it to WebCoreModule this is the exception it throws:

*HandlerException: Can't create component 'OneSense.Web.OneSenseWebCoreModule' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.

'OneSense.Web.OneSenseWebCoreModule' is waiting for the following dependencies:

  • Service 'OneSense.Core.Platform.KeyVault.IKeyVaultManager' which was not registered. Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.DefaultHandler.AssertNotWaitingForDependency()

HandlerException: Can't create component 'OneSense.Web.OneSenseWebCoreModule' as it has dependencies to be satisfied. 'OneSense.Web.OneSenseWebCoreModule' is waiting for the following dependencies: - Service 'OneSense.Core.Platform.KeyVault.IKeyVaultManager' which was not registered.*

Is there a way where this dependency can be injected in constructor of OneSenseWebCoreModule along with IHostingEnvironment. This is the first secret application needs to fetch from KeyVault and was thinking if there is a better way of doing this.

Please let me know if there is any other details which is needed from my side.

What is logic behind "ExpiringEdition" in Edition management services? And why Expiring Edition Must Be A Free Edition?

Showing 1 to 10 of 32 entries