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Extend chat functionality for implementing Group chat #11446

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omkarchoudhari created

Hello ,

We are working with an aspnetzero MVC/jQuery project with aspnetzero version 6.9. We have implemented basic chat functionality.

Following functionality is working fine where Chat icon is located next to user's profile image on top right corner of the page. The number in the red circle shows total unread chat message count. When user clicks this icon, chat panel appears on the right of page.

Next Requirement: • Proper documentation for implementing group chat. • User can add new friends to a group by clicking the add person button which shown as a red mark in the figure.

How should be the DB Table structure: • For saving chat messages • For maintaining the group

what existing interface/service can we extend to achieve the above ? Please advise. Thanks

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @omkarchoudhari

    The functionality you are asking for a new feature and we haven't thougt about this. We can make you a suggestion but please think about it deeply before starting development.

    1. You need to create a AppChatGroups table to keep list of groups
    2. You need to add FriendGroupTenantId and FriendGroupId to **AppFriendships **table. In that case, you can know which user is in which group.
    3. You need to add TargetGroupTenantId and TargetGroupId to AppChatMessages table. In that case, you can know which message is sent to which group.

    After that, you need to modify methods for listing friends of a user and messages of a user.

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    omkarchoudhari created

    Thank you @ismcagdas. Let us try this approach and we will let you know.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Thanks @omkarchoudhari

    We will be happy to help.