Hello Ismail,
We have a client application build in ASP Net Zero framework version 10.1.0. We enabled built in chat functionality for one-to-one chat. After deploying the application on Azure , we are facing multiple signalR issues related with WebSocket , Jobprogress endpoint. I referred similar threads on this issue and according that we enabled ARR Affinity cookie as well but, still showing same errors. Most of the time due this continuous handshaking happening in background, our application becomes unresponsive intermittently.
main-es2015.f789065ca8e199479b03.js:1 WebSocket connection to 'wss://devmovescoutproapi.sirva.com//jobprogress?id=c-UH3K9W7oSaPPIJoC_MoQ' failed: 2023-03-17T06:05:53.384Z] Error: Failed to start the transport 'WebSockets': Error: There was an error with the transport.
Can you please suggest any workaround on this
Application Errors =>
ARR affinity cookie
5 Answer(s)
Hi Ismail,
We are not getting token on negotiate In console, we are getting following
{negotiateVersion: 1, connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ",…} availableTransports: [{transport: "WebSockets", transferFormats: ["Text", "Binary"]},…] connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ" connectionToken: "tAcU-HSIIsCKWJSCozbpkQ" negotiateVersion: 1
Could you share a test account with [email protected] ? It will be better if I can login and check this myself.
Hi @omkarchoudhari
We haven't received the email, could you send it again ?